The Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry held on March 28, 2023 the last workshop within the capitalization activities of the RES project, which is supported by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program and financed by the IPA II fund.
“BRE as an opportunity for the analysis of complete data: strategies, tools and operational modalities for the analysis of Albanian entrepreneurship” gathered participants from business representatives, members of the BRE platform, business associations in Albania, government institutions at the local and national level and project partners.
For more than three years, this project, considered one of the best European practices of innovation and connectivity in international registries, addressed the main challenges of coordination between European Business Registries, as a key factor for a common continental environment of business, which brings administrative harmonization, legal certainty, transparency and competitiveness. The further intention of BRE is to continue with its 2.0 phase with the acronym BRE-STAT.
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