Important updates from the 1FUTURE Project! The development of the Plans for Climate Action in 6 WBC HEIs partners in the project is completed. The Plans development represents the completion of Working Package 2.
WP2 represented the first phase of the project, when activities related to the increase of capacities between WBC partners were planned. WP2 served as a starting point for developing all other WPs. All partners were engaged in this WP. Their activities and responsibilities were divided in 4 tasks:
- Task 2.1: Analysis of state of art of practices within EU and Third Countries associated with EU for fostering climate initiatives and collaboration with government, business and academia. This task required conducting research, summarizing and reporting on the nature and categories of climate and sustainability actions in Western Europe Universities, classifying them into action related to curriculum development; action related to collaboration between different stakeholders; action related to activities organized at university level; action related to research capacities and research focus and actions related to university services.
- Task 2.2: Identifying gaps between climate and sustainability action in EU and the Balkans. This task included the comparison between the results of the needs analysis performed before the project implementation and the results of T2.1. Through this task, the project team identified gaps between sustainability action implemented in Western Europe and Balkans HEIs and analyse reasons between these differences (legal, logistical, cultural, and economic).
- Task 2.4: Conduct surveys and interviews with public and private institutions, business communities and other stakeholders. Questionnaires were prepared by teams in the WB countries and reviewed by EU HEIs. Two types of data collection methods were used: interviews with public institutions representatives and questionnaire for business sector. The aim of the questionnaire for the business sector was to identify business attitude toward collaboration for achieving sustainability goals and business needs in terms of capacities and knowledge in the areas of climate action and sustainability. Business Associations in each WBC prepared contact details of the target group of companies and forward details of survey. The teams in each WBC engaged in interviewing public institutions representatives, to disseminate about the project aim and expected outcomes, and to define their willingness to engage in the collaboration platforms developed within the project.
- Task 2.5: Identifying opportunities and risks associated with undertaking climate projects and actions within and between academia, business sector and government. After reviewing the gaps and synergies between climate action in EU and WBC, each WBC HEI developed an action plan for implementing a climate agenda in the future in WBC HEIs.
These tasks served to achieve the following goals:
- Identifying the full disparencies in climate action between EU and WBC Universities;
- Analyzing further why the education system in the Balkans have not yet been responsive towards the needs and requests for climate action;
- Discussing steps and progressive action towards filling the gap between climate action implemented in EU and WB HEIs.
The final goal was to draft and develop the Plan for Climate Action in each WBC HEIs. The approval of the plan represents the first milestone of the project: Endorsement of willingness to implement Climate and Sustainability action in WB HEIs.
Please find below the Plans developed by each institution. Congratulations to all partners who have been working on this important deliverable for over one year!
- D2.2_Plan For Climate Action UPT
- D2.2_Plan For Climate Action UOM
- D2.2_Plan For Climate Action UTA
- D2.2_Plan For Climate Action CEPS
- D2.2_Plan For Climate Action ULA
- D2.2_Plan For Climate Action UTZ
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