The Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, staff members of “1Future- jOiNEd For sUsTainability – bUilding climate REsilient communities in WB and EU”, an innovative initiative addressing climate change and sustainability, made a special appearance on the “Education Auditor” TV Show on the National Albanian TV- RTSH. This appearance aimed at raising awareness about the…
International Conference “Exchange of experiences of higher education institutions on the implementation of sustainability in education between Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina” with accompanying activities (visit to the company and municipalities)
On Monday, June 26, 2023, an international conference on topic ” Exchange of experiences of higher education institutions on the implementation of sustainability in education between Spain and Bosnia and Herzegovina ” was held at the University College „CEPS-Center for Business Studies“ in Kiseljak. The organizer of this conference was the University College CEPS Kiseljak.The…
Lund Study Visit
During 13-16 June, 25-30 participants from eight countries visited Lund as part of the 1Future-project which aims to support Western Balkan higher education institutions to build capacity in the area of sustainability, resilience and climate action. The Division of risk management and societal safety was the host. The study aimed at showing how Lund University…
Kick Off Meeting
The Kick-Off Meeting represented the first official meeting of project partners. It was attended by EU Institutions, stakeholders’ representatives, and HEIs staff and students. It was a chance to disseminate about 1FUTURE project activities that will impact education system in WB region. Hits: 103
Presentation of “1FUTURE” project at the ICCE 2023
The presentation held on the 18th to May 20th, 2023 was focused on all work packages, their tasks and the deliverables of the project. It was highlighted the role of the PUT team and its contribution within the project. The primary objective of this dissemination activity was to introduce the project to students and researchers,…
Innotourclust Plus
Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry, within the “Innotourclust Plus” project, part of the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro program, held on May 5 the workshop on “Networking and Promotion of the Tourism Sector”. Albanian tourism companies, as well as representatives of organizations and institutions that cover this sector, took part in this activity. During the…
Communication with Research communities, Innovators, and Civil society by UoM
A short interview was conducted by the manager of the 1Future project at UoM, Prof. Dr. Milos Knezevic, about the importance and aim of the project. Among other issues, prof. Knezevic highlighted that: “Risk management is one of the important issues, precisely because economic and social development are largely influenced by climate change. In response…
The Tirana Chamber of Commerce and Industry held on March 28, 2023 the last workshop within the capitalization activities of the RES project, which is supported by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program and financed by the IPA II fund. “BRE as an opportunity for the analysis of complete data: strategies, tools and operational modalities…
Pre-Kick Off Meeting
The Pre-kick Off meeting of the jOiNEd For sUsTainability – bUilding climate REsilient communities in WB and EU – 1FUTURE project was held on March 23, 2023. It was an online event with participation from all partners of the project. The project management team introduced the partners with the task and work plan for the…